Thursday, 31 January 2013


My degree's results will be out at any time, less than an hour now..
I scared to death, like seriously..
I had sooo many things to say, 
in my mind.. 
I just can let it out here..
cause I'm scared to death!

Monday, 28 January 2013

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Hello everyone!! :D

Before I start, thanks to Haris yang tegur/comment on my previous post..eventhou kau salah baca post no 6, heh!!
but it's oke Haris, we learn from mistake alrite (:

well this post will be a very quick post on my thought (again) pasal this one situation..

before I start, this post x offend sape sape just that it happen and aku rasa uncomfortable dengan benda tu and I need to speak it out..

For me, lelaki yang acah cool depan perempuan is SERIOUSLY SOOOOO NOT COOL.. I mean there this certain spesies of lelaki, bukan semua ye, certain je, yang tell the girls (x kisah la girls yang dia admire or not) pasal apa yang dia buat in order supaya perempuan bagi wow reaction dekat dia balik.. contoh dia mcam ni

"Alah setakat acc Facebook Rogayah tu, I boleh hack macam tu je..I kan hacker"

"Alah solat sunat Istikarah tu senang je sebab I selalu buat yela, I kan selalu tidur kat masjid" 

"Alah buku Donald Trumph tu I dah khatam 19 kali dah"

well, I can't really give any more situation sebab it's depend jugak on the perempuan yang have conversation dengan lelaki yang terlibat..mungkin they're oke if the guy act like that tapi just not for me! well,aku x boleh terima lelaki yang macam ni on a few reasons;

1.well, dude..kot ye pun hang nak impress perempuan yang hang suka tu, x yah la macam teruk sangat..u're trying too hard la..Seriously dude.. if u really wanna know whether the girls like you or either way, just be yourself..
If she can accept you they way you are and love you back (x kisah la as a friend or someone special) ,congrats dude!! you've found your life mate already *Wawa give you applause..

2.As for me, lelaki yang bangga diri/acah cool sangat ni is very annoying!! macam mintak kena lempang dengan dulang! serious! Even if kau dah lebih/berjaya dalam sesuatu perkara, x kisah la dam ibadah, study or whatnot, still, you should stay humble..perempuan ni sensitif, easily get hurt..
CONTONYA macam ni, I ask this one guy, how to solat Istikarah..instead of dia tunjuk cara nak solat, dia cerita pulak yang dia ni hebat la dalam solat and whatnot (sila rujuk contoh no2)..aku yang jahil ni mesti la rasa mcam down benda simple macam tu pun aku x boleh buat and mesti la rasa macam:
"alah dia orang ada agama. aku ni solat Istikarah yang simple pun x shouldn't be friend dengan dia la Wawa..kau x layak"
maksud aku kat sini ialah, kot ye pun hang lagi hebat, x yah la nak buat orang lain down..Mungkin kau rasa cool  cakap macam tu, tapi if your word u hurt someone (girl), malaikat Raqib is on His duty dude! :))

3. It's scary sometimes..disebabkan you wanna look too "cool", kadang kadang cerita korang sampai x masuk akal.. contohnya
"Alah I klau nak ROCK/WALL climbing x yah guna tali pun..I can climb just like that!!"
pffttttttttt, ni la padahnya kalau tengok cartoon banyak sangat masa kecik! wei, tolong la faham, even Spiderman dalam movie pun nak climb guna special tali, dalam movie yang x real wei.. ni kan pulak kau, in real life pulak tu..tah kau ni ada DNA kelawar ke macam mana kalau nak jatuh je, korang boleh selamatkan diri dengan terbang!
Aku rasa orang yang cakap macam ni patut dihantar hidup di bulan.Sekian.

Sorry if I ever hurt anyone, tapi my definition is cool guy bukan macam tu..
Since aku ni agak kalut and susah nak di handle,
 lelaki yang cool untuk aku ialah lelaki yang can comfort me whenever I am sad, yang boleh make me behave and listen to him and have that leading personalities..tu baru la namanya jantan :D

Tapi setiap orang lain lain whatever la.. it's your life anyway..Good luck in anything that you do to find your mate oke, dear guys and ladies (:

*Anyway yang Rogayah dalam contoh tadi bukan nama sebenar ea, tu contoh je..

Monday, 21 January 2013

My thought on random stuff

Assalamualaikum and good day everyone :DD
let's just go straight to the point alrite..apa yang ada dalam kepala aku these past few months on certain random issue..

1. Facebok lately dah bertukar menjadi sort of buletin board.. less people update their status.. Lagi banyak orang post pasal recent issue/ share information.. And usually orang akan berbincang pasal bigger issue kat Facebook.. And issue yang paling banyak orang share mesti la pasal politic.. So klau in real life aku assume Facebook tu dah macam Parliament and Library.

2. Why would a Slut on Twitter gets angry when people called them Bitch?? You act like one, updated dirty status, post dirty picture (you know what I meant), talk about dirty stuff, buat hastang merapu pasal reproductive organ semua than bila orang tegur, nak meroyan! hey kiddo, with that dirty attitude, I thought you're some kind of open minded and urban people..owh come on!!!! pffffttttttt

3.(tak ada kena mengena dengan Mak Abah) Why would a parents thought money is the only thing their children needs? Especially parents yang busy, they tend to pampered their children dengan duit instead of love(tapi bukan semua parents). adakah anak dorang dilahirkan atas dasar duit instead of love? well, yang ni aku nak comment lebih2 lebih since aku ni someone special pun tak ada lagi..

4.Recently, someone share his thought pasal Goverment & Opposition = Coke& Pepsi.. persamaan Coke and Pepsi ialah dua dua tak bagus/ healthy..kedua dua minuman ni mengadungi kandungan gula yang lebih kurang sama banyak and sekiranya diambil berlebihan, ianya akan mendatangkan kemudaratan i.e diabetes..
Sekiranya seorang peminum tegar Coke nak bertukar kepada Pepsi, tak guna jugak sebab the results will be almost the same..dia still ada potential untuk menghidat diabetis.. so if u wanna change Government, change to something even better.. contoh, 100 Plus.. pandai pandai fikir la ye..
Well the credits goes to Hakimi and his friend..thanks, I love this idea :)))

Dude, whatever ur name is,I, WawaAzman love what you've been doing. And ya, your hair is sooo got my attention :D

5. Malaysian driver's/biker's attitude. Let's start with bikers.. kita selalu tengok, especially bila traffic light merah..usually biker akan berada di barisan paling hadapan, to wait for the green light turn on..bikers yang tunggu belakang garisan putih is normal, tapi yang aku x faham dengan sesetengah biker yang melampau sangat kedepan.. apa motif kau nak menggelabah tapir buat macam tu weh? baik kau tunggu kat tengah tengah di antara simpang 4 tu je..nak sangat mati cara hardcore kan..
Next is drivers.. Ya Allah tolong la, tolong tolong la bagi signal kalau nak belok or tukar lane.. please understand the fact yang orang lain pun bayar road the jalan is not belong to ur Tok Wan and ONLY his decedent..

6. Si tua bajet comel, tex nak guna tulisan budak tadika.. i.e Combownk untuk sombong.. Memang ni spesis manusia mintak kena takik dengan cangkul!  please la, I do understand if you're 10 years old below tapi kau ni dah bole bercucu kot.. you're 21, so act like one..annoying doe..bila aku x reply, nak emo kalah perempuan PMS.. What is wrong with u human? kau ada penyakit terencat tumbesaran otak ke macam mana? Allah dah bagi sempuna otak tu, guna la, bukan menggantikan fungsi otak dengan kepala lutut. Sekian.

7.Creative Malaysians. Yang ni I've to admit that Malaysian reeeeaallllyyyy creative and innovative.. Apa yang aku maksudkan ialah how they (Malaysians) react on current national issue. x kisal la pasal politic ke, economic or entertainment.. Instead of finding a solution to a particular problem arise, the problems dijadikan bahan pulak untuk di troll/ parody kan..Thus, the problems unsolved and being left hanging.. Malaysians yang confused masih confused dan yang politic (both parties) yang menipu akan terus menipu..
Kat Twitter lagi lah bersepah pasal benda troll ni..nak apa, semua ada.. politics, entertainment..
Surprisingly, kedai makan depan UiTM Kedah pun ada account Twitter parody (CT Yana TomYam).. 

One of the clear example..Told yah people.. Malaysians ni creative

8.Disebabkan budaya fitnah memfitnah/ kutuk mengutuk semakin berleluasa lately, There only this one question in my head "What make u think, by talking bad about others, ia akan buat kau nampak baik"..seriously wei! Kalau kau baik kau akan tegur dia, perbetulkan kesalahan dia instead of jadi sama jahat dengan memfitnah dan mengutuk dia.. kan?

 Contohnya macam ni..
 Kebanyakan orang especially lelaki kutuk Bieber, cakap dia gay and whatnot..adakah dengan mengutuk Bieber akan buat korang nampak tak gay? ( ni untuk lelaki la ea).. well, if u're not apa kejadahnya korang nak amik tahu pasal dia..lelaki yang cakap buruk pasal Bieber lagi la nampak macam gay sebab u talk about other "gay" and it is sooooo not cool man..
let him be.. Dia happy kot buat duit dengan bakat yang dia ada..and for the haters, did u get anything? money? fan? women as pretty as Selena? <------- when they're still together of course

well, aku bukan la peminat tegar Justin Bieber ea, I used to hate him a lot too, tapi lately aku tukar kan perasaan tu menjadi appreciation..aku appreciate apa yang dia buat to make his life better and I love his music.. his song not la (for me)..
kalau kau benci pun, u better keep it to urself..x yah amik tahu lansung pasal benda yang korang benci..that's, memang that how it suppose to be kan..cakap benci, so x de fekdahnya nak tahu! kan kan..

So as for conclusion (Ya Allah rindunya nak tulis ayat ni dalam tutorial or exam ques), itulah 8 OPINION AKU  tentang perkara yang berlaku di sekeliling aku.. LEMME REPEAT, SEKELILING AKU.. so kalau korang rasa it shouldn't be/ looked like that, korang boleh tulis pandangan korang on the same issue or issue yang  lain on your Blog/Twitter/Facebook/WordPress and whatnot..
setiap manusia menpunyai pandangan yang berbeza right? so let's accept the difference and learn to understand each other :)

before I end, saya manusia biasa yang kurang matang, selalu lupa, and thus, selalu buat if I did anything wrong, it's MUCH APPRECIATED IF U COULD TEGUR/ CORRECT me..
especially to my close yang baca post ni seperti Azza dan beberapa orang lagi..
well,aku x mention yang beberapa orang lagi sebab aku x sure la korang baca or not tapi Azza memang aku yakinnnnnn kau akan baca sebab nanti dengan post ni la kau nak menganjing aku balik..
kan Azza?? :))))))))

Saturday, 19 January 2013

The times..

I suddenly miss the moment,
when I'm all alone, doing things I love..
Went to my fav coffee shop,reading book, drinks coffee, listen to music..All alone..
I don't give a damn who walks in and who's out..
It just me and myself matter..

I still remember the times when I'm all alone,
everything seem so right..I was so happy

Times flies,
and everything change..

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Me want this..


Can someone please take me out and teman me minum any white coffee (hazelnut and mocha is preferable)..I'm kinda starve it at this tea pun boleh..

I really really miss my night life and I can only have it while I'm at Kedah because the boys (especially Azza, Wan) and Mira were around..
 Dekat Taiping bukan x boleh tapi I've got no one to hang out with..All my girlfriends (Diyana, Penut,Farihah) is away and my only boyfriend which is also my cousin, Faeez, having his finals now..

I just wanna hang out at this moment, having that "teh tarik chill" (eventhou I'm usually will drink white coffee or green tea), take night pictures with flash that make my face looks even oily (hahaha, I'm enjoy it), count stars, sings in the car, tells how's my day was, share story... midnight movie ke..


No Wawa, you can't have it, not now..

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

HELLO 2013!!

Wawa 21 years old in making.

I was 20 years old 2 months ago,
and I gonna turn 21 in the next 10 months..
time flies man, really!!