Monday 2 March 2015


im still here,

I graduated, further my degree in Shah Alam which I had soooooo much fun doing things I love (reading,travelling get to know the city etc) with Favourite People,  before I move to Seremban and this is the point where every single thing of my life changed.


The place that changed me. or maybe because I allowed the changing process to happened.

Well, I guess its me myself.

I hate Seremban at first because its boring. I lost directions and started to going down and yes I did goes down. My life was miserable, I went out every night (without fail) lepak and skip class the next morning. I don't feel like studying anymore. I am done!

But towards the end I realize no I'm not done.I still love to study.  I just feel lonely because Boyfriends are not around. I rebelling to myself cause I was unable to stand on my on feet and be independent. So, I started go get up on my feet again, when the final examination is approaching butttttttt its already too late for me to fix everything.  I, however,still proud of myself  for be able to fixed at least part of it.

and my results was disappointing, of course!! hahahaha


on the following semester I really promise to myself that I will change, give more meaning to my life because life is perfectly pretty.

Allah heard my dua Alhamdullilah. I was destinated to meet with this 3 awesome dude which are my classmates and also, we live in a same area. We started as a normal group assignment partner at first but I can really get along with these awesome human being. They are boys, of course..hahahahaha.
so our friendship goes to the next level when we started to do almost everything together. Goshhhhhhh! these people, they are so nice, just like Boyfriends. They help me in almost everything.
they are Mustaain, Jep and Yun.

Did I mention Aina, Ika, Fiema and Syira?
these are my girls besides AwesomeHousemate..  I know right? aku ada kawan perempuan weyh!! hahah

I love these people as well. Mustaain yang kenalkan sebab he don't want me to be alone :')

Mus, thanks. I love you to the moon and back.

my life, they getting better Alhamdullilah. And I believe it will get brighter as long as these people are around.

Boyfriends?? they're still in my heart, forever.

p/s: pictures of my live over a year ago will be posted in my next post I promise. I owe you an explanation kan what happened when I away for a year? :)